The whole website is being modeled to tailor updates on my art, music, and literature both past and present. From videos to magazines, there is a heck of a lot of content. So if you ever wanted to get to know me, you will find a lot of information here.
I've learned to use my passion of creation and networking as a distraction from anxiety and a release of the mania and obsessive thoughts that run through my head daily. The goal is always to obtain a tight community of like minds and passions.
There is a fine line between good and bad, and I live on that line. Most of my work is inspired by what I see, hear and feel. It is raw emotion thrust from my brain onto whichever canvas or production that I choose in that moment. Good and bad.
My physical health has always dictated my state of mind, and so my "Panic Art" is a way to cleanse my soul from the impurities. I also like to give my audience visuals using expressive video production.
"The Struggle is the Glory"
Tiki - Series #1 - #01- $150.00
Ralski Painting Utility Box
Department Against Degenerate Art
Entartete Kunst - 2011
Just months after multiple stomach surgery, this is what kept me busy... for all. And I continue to put in the work to this day, despite the health challenges life has thrown at me. Servant indeed.
Department Against Degenerate Art
Entartete Kunst II - 2011
Department Against Degenerate Art
Entartete Kunst II - 2011
Check out this Art playlist on YouTube for some more Art related content that I have been a part of and produced.
For more music content, check out the Music playlist.